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Write a Journal Critique


It is rather difficult to find any information at the subject how to write a journal critique that is why we have decided to write this very article in order you to get a practical guide to write critiques in a proper way. This guide is built up with the help of information presented in your textbooks that is why it will be very simple for you to cope with your writing without reading hundreds of pages and choosing some necessary information in order to get acquainted with the main requirements you have to follow when you write a journal critique.

Write a journal Critique: A Practical Guide for You

Thus, in order to succeed in writing you have to walk the following steps:

  • Select a proper article; if you do not know where to get it, we recommend you to take the article from some school or college journal.
  • Do not choose the article, which you are not interested in, as you will fail to write a journal critique in a good way.
  • Do not choose either too difficult article or too simple one, as the choice of the article should correspond to the level of your knowledge.
  • Try to make the choice of the article, which has been written recently in order it to be of current importance.
  • Read your article in a thorough way in order not to miss any important detail when you write a journal critique.
  • Divide your job devoted to your writing into five sections: thesis, methods, evidence, which supports your thesis, contribution into the literature, recommendations.
  • Pay special attention to all the above-mentioned sections when you write a journal critique if you want to get a high grade for your work.
  • When you work under your thesis, try to state it in a clear way in order it to be brief and informative one.
  • When dealing with methods, you have to answer the following question: which methods are used by the author in order to research the topic?
  • Mention the evidence, which the author gives in order to support his or her main ideas.
  • Make little investigation and find five more authors who have also contributed into the topic of your article.
  • When you write a journal critique, the section of recommendations, you have to evaluate the article in terms of who will benefit from reading this very article.

We hope you will find this information to be useful and succeed a great deal when you write a journal critique.

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