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Write a Book Critique


Of course, when you receive a task to write a book critique, the first questions, which comes to your mind is how to conduct writing a book critique, does not it? Well, this article is going to answer this question and to help you with your writing a great deal.

Write a Book Critique: How to Do It

In order to understand how to deal with writing a book critique, it is but natural to learn what book critique is. Thus, book critique is a work, which gives critical assessment of a book under consideration. In order to present this critical assessment in your write a book critique, you have to walk the following steps:

  • Read the book you have to make a critical analysis of and make annotations while reading it.
  • Make notes of the author’s main points of view he or she mentions in the book and emphasize thesis statement.
  • Make a division of thoughts of the book under consideration and make a summery of these thoughts, using your own words. 
  • When you write a book critique, you have to open it with the help of the introductory. The first sentence of your introductory part should contain the following information:
  • Author’s name;
  • The title of the book;
  • Thesis statement the author makes during the whole plot of the book.

Book Critique Elements

Mention the purpose of the book with which the author has written it. Summarize the main events of the book under consideration that you consider to be necessary to be mentioned in terms of writing a book critique. However, do not make a full summery of the plot when you write a book critique, as you will just waste your time and get the low grade for your writing a book critique, because you have to analyze the book and not to rewrite it.

When you write a book critique, you have to answer the following questions:

  • What are the credentials of the author?
  • Which methods are used by the author in order to get the evidence?
  • Is the evidence used by the author in accurate or some other way?
  • Is there a logical argument in the book?
  • Which evidence supports a counter-argument?

In conclusion of your write a book critique, you have to state whether you agree with the author’s points of view or whether you have your own approach to the problem dealt in the book.

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