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Research Paper Planning


While writing a research paper you need to devote some time to research paper planning.  For example, creating an outline will help you to structure your paper logically and set the overall direction for researching.  Outline is like the organizational plan of your research paper.  First, you need to decide on the research question and write down your ideas on what to include in the paper.

Research Paper Planning:  Outline

Outline creation is an important step of research paper writing.  It is easier to find structural problems in outline rather than trying to rewrite the final draft.  Moreover, if you have an outline your tutor will gladly spend 10 minutes looking through the research essay plan rather than reading the first draft.

To create an outline you need to think about the topic and write down all research paper ideas you have.  Be careful with structuring the research paper ideas:  each idea has to be an addition to the topic and you should present ideas in the logical sequence.  The initial research paper outline should contain thesis statement - the key sentence of the paper presenting research objective.

College Research Paper Planning Steps

  1. Choose the topic which is interesting for you to write a research paper about
  2. Formulate research question and develop the thesis statement
  3. Think about the arguments regarding your topic
  4. Develop a research strategy:  create a timetable and outline
  5. Conduct a research and make a list of sources
  6. Start reading the selected materials and sort out the information (weak/strong arguments, ideas, claims) 
  7. Prepare final outline and start writing a research paper
  8. Revise the research paper several times to eliminate errors and mistakes
  9. Prepare final copy of the research essay, add cover page, abstract, and works cited

Research Paper Format

Introduction - Opening section of your research essay, should include thesis statement, important of research, and a short overview of the essay

Literature review - Overview of the materials used for research paper writing, provide the reasons why you have chosen this type of publications

Discussion - Discuss your thesis using evidence from collected materials, prove your position.

Conclusion -  Closing part of the paper; summarize the key points and provide the direction for further research

Research Paper Revision

Primary revision.  Think about your audience; make sure that all parts fit together and that the thesis is supported with evidence; read your essay aloud to your friend Revise parts of your paper. Each paragraph of your research paper should have a good topic sentence related to thesis.  Check research paper for grammar, punctuation, and style mistakes.  Make sure all of the used sources are cited in text and at the end of the paper. Final revision.  Set the research paper aside for a couple of days and then read it again.  You may find mistakes you did not notice before.

College Research Paper Writing Help

Would you like to order custom research paper writing?  We are here to help you with any stage of research paper creation.  The experienced writers will assist you with topic choice, resources allocation, discussion writing, and final revision?  Entrust your research paper to Custom-Essay.wsand improve your academic performance without any efforts!

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