A bibliography is a list of books, articles, interview, and other publications you have used to write your research paper. It should be included at the last page of the research paper and can be more than one page in length.
If you do not know how to write a bibliography, you need to consult the manuals available in your library or search the internet for the specific format requested by your tutor. It is easier to write a bibliography if you record every source you use, take notes and write down the page number. The first step of bibliography writing is drafting all of the sources on the separate page: the list should include the full title of the source, its author, publisher, publication place and the date of publication (year if it is a book and day/month/year if it is the article).
Bibliography writing can be done using the note card. For example, the source Good Book, Volume 1, page 112 can be recorded as GB, 1, p. 112 on the top right corner of the note card. Thus, when you finish writing the research paper, the information you wrote on the note cards can be used to check the correctness of list.
Final writing is about arranging the list of all used sources in alphabetical order. The list must be arranged by the last names of each author. Sometimes, the source you used has no author mentioned. In such cases, the list is arranged by the title.
There are several bibliography styles and you need to make sure that you exactly follow the style specified by your tutor. There are four major writing and referencing styles: MLA, APA, Harvard, and Turabian. These styles are not very different, but you need to pay attention to many small details.
According to the APA style, reference list should be titled references and the year of publication must be included right after the name. Bibliography example: Bond, J. (2000). If bibliography has to be written in MLA style, the year of publication must be included at the end of the entry after the information on publisher.
In addition, you need to cite the used sources inside of your research paper. Note that each style has its own rules for in-text citations. For example, if you are using APA style, you need to mention the last name of the author and date of publication; while according to MLA style, the last name of the author and page number must be included.
Bibliography writing is not the most difficult part of research paper writing process, however, if you fail to reference the used resources in bibliography, you may have to face the plagiarism issues. Bibliography is the proof of your research paper originality.
If you do not know to write a bibliography, ask experienced writers to assist you. Our experts will help you to arrange the bibliography entries, to ensure that the required style is followed, and to take care of the in-text citations. Moreover, the bibliography page is delivered for free along with every research paper. Order custom essay writing help at Custom-Essay.ws!!!