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English Coursework


Coursework writing requires your ability to collect, analyze and present information. It is your chance to show what you can do, how to can analyze information, and whether you are able to relate learned theories to real life example. Coursework writing accounts for 25% of your final grade for your GCSE and it is usually a part of your final examination. Thus, to write a good English coursework you should clearly set out your objectives and describe the context of the situation, problem etc. Make sure that you don't include irrelevant material just to show that you have collected it. Try to present the gathered information in your own words, avoid copying the book. All your ideas should be supported with the evidence, give reasons for your opinions. If you include illustrative materials, explain what it shows and why you have included it in your coursework.

English Coursework Writing

The most important part of your coursework writing is analysis. The process of gathering information is a big part of coursework writing, but it only one step of writing a coursework. A deep analyze of the information you've collected will help you to write a good coursework. You should use the gathered information to solve the problem. Finally, when you start writing coursework, set a thesis in a question form and devote the whole paper to answering it.  Your conclusion must follow from evidence and raised arguments.  You may not present new information in concluding part!

Coursework Format

The coursework can be prepared in the form of a brochure accompanied by the electronic version of it. Oral defense is an essential part of the coursework writing process. It consists of a presentation and answers to the questions set by tutor. A presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes. We strongly recommend accompanying it with the visuals or handouts. The presentation aims to provide the reader with the basic knowledge on the central problem of the coursework and with the results of the research. You should demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical background of the topic and your analytical abilities, as well as have strong presentation skills.

Coursework should not be less than 20 and more than 25 pages. Enumeration starts from the Title page. Appendices can be in excess of the upper limit of 25 pages.  English coursework writing is not easy, however, our experienced writers know how to write an impressive coursework for you.  Coursework help offered at is aimed at helping students of all academic levels to achieve academic excellence without any efforts!  Order custom writing services and we will deliver an impressive coursework written in accordance to your instructions!

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