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Doctoral Dissertation


It is not an easy assignment to write a doctoral dissertation.  Good doctoral dissertation shows that you are an expert in your field of study and that you have provided significant contribution to problem solution.  Being in expert in any field of study means that you are one out of few individuals who really know and understand the subject of your doctoral dissertation.  As the doctoral dissertation writer, you have to aim to expand your dissertation into a good book.

Writing a Doctoral Dissertation

There is no limit in the length of doctoral dissertation, however, most of the scholars agree that thorough doctoral dissertation should contain approximately 300 pages.  Not an easy job to accomplish!  Researching and writing are not the most difficult parts of doctoral dissertation build up.  The most difficult task is to choose and formulate the doctoral dissertation topic, problem, question, and thesis. The dissertation topic has to be wide enough to produce 300 pages, and it has to be narrow enough to investigate a specific problem.  Helpful advice:  while choosing a doctoral dissertation topic ask people whether they identify your topic as the problem; if they do, proceed with developing the chosen topic.

Doctoral Dissertation Abstracts

Doctoral dissertation abstract is more than mere summary of the research.  You have to give the reader an idea about the problem you analyzed and the solution you came up with.  Dissertation abstracts are read to determine the overall worth of accomplished work.  Abstracts are often published in journals and can be included as the part of your resume (especially if you are applying for job in academic field).  Doctoral dissertation abstract has to be short (less than 2 pages), provide the summary of the whole work, and include the key terms.

Dissertation Proposal

What is a dissertation proposal?  Doctoral dissertation proposal is developed before the actual dissertation writing process starts.  Why do you have to write a proposal?  Doctoral dissertation proposal is written to ensure that your topic is original and significant for the filed of study.  Proposal is an exploration of the topic you plan to research.  Steps of proposal development include:  identifying the questions for researching dissertation topic, writing a literature review, formulating the research problem, creating the rough outline, analyzing the gathered information, and self-criticizing.

Doctoral Dissertation Format

In simple words, doctoral dissertation consists of two major sections:  the first one devoted to problem investigation (literature review and your findings) and the second one devoted to problem solution (result of your research).

Doctoral Dissertation Help

Why to spend numerous hours researching and writing a doctoral dissertation if this work can be done for you by professional writer?  We employ the best doctoral dissertation writers capable of producing the original, interesting, and professional doctoral dissertation on any topic and of any length.  Placing an order at Custom Essay, you can monitor the progress of writing and request amendments.  If you are looking for the professional service, you have found it.

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