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Critique Style


One of the academic essay writing types is critical essay. The purpose of writing a critical essay is to evaluate somebody's work (a book, an essay, a movie, a painting etc.) in order to express your understanding or importance of it. A critical essay is a paper in which you should express your opinion or provide an evaluation of the text.

Critique Essay Writing

Here are few tips that can help you with academic essay writing:

  1. After reading, for example a book, and before writing, make few notes about the points you want to get across in the essay.
  1. While you're writing, try to think about the audience
  2. Mention the name of the author and the book title in the first paragraph of academic essay. It would be very disrespectfully towards the reader and the author of the book not to mention who wrote it
  3. Use one paragraph for every point you want to make about the book. It's a good way to evaluate the importance of each point. You might want to list the main points in your notes before writing an essay
  4. Get the main idea of the book and discussion it in the beginning of book review.
  5. Think about the genre of the book you're going to review, analyze whether it is a mystery, adventure, or romance. What aspects of the genre has the author used?
  6. What do you like or dislike about the book's writing style?
  7. Incorporate several short quotes from the book to illustrate your points. It is one of the main criterion of the essay writing as well it's a good way to give your reader a sense of the author's writing style.
  8. Make sure your review explains how you feel about the book and why, do not state just what the book is about. A good review should express the reviewer's opinion and persuade the reader to read the book, or to avoid reading it.
  9. Do a research about the author. Biographical information can help you formulate your opinion about the book. Remember, a book doesn't come directly from a printing press, it's a product of an author's mind, and therefore it may be helpful to know something about the author and how she or he came to write the book.

Critique Style

Critique essay should be written using one of the following critique styles - scientific or culturological. Each style requires definite knowledge and definite level of culture. You should conduct a thorough research and analyze information properly before presenting it in your academic essay.

Custom Writing

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