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Critical Persuasive Essay


The painful aspect of writer’s life is the fact that motivation can not be the single factor that can help write persuasive essays. Students need a spark, embryo, seed, from which the new idea is born. Persuasive essay writing is not a machine, it is impossible to pick it up, rather, it is like fire. Indeed, it is possible to put any number of logs, but without the sparks you do not get a heat. Moreover, you may always order custom essay writing at our site!

Nevertheless, do not panic when you get your persuasive essay writing assignment.

  1. First of all, you need to choose persuasive essay topic thatwill be interesting for you and for your readers.
  2. Then, you should select material for writing persuasive essay. As soon as the issue becomes clear and the problem of the essay is formulated, you need to spend time on the material collection such as books, articles, and Internet resources related to the persuasive essay topic as well as you need time to analyze gathered material.
  3. It is useful to write everything you will need in essay in a free form that is concepts, controversies, associations, quotations, aphorisms, examples, various opinions, arguments, names, and events. In short, you need to write everything that seems appropriate, interesting and relevant to the topic.

Persuasive Essays Criteria

Depending on the chosen methods and forms of students’ organization, the essay can be checked by the teachers as well as by the students. Essays are evaluated by the following criteria:

  • ability to answer the question;
  • organization of the response;
  • ability to focus in answering the basic question and not to be distracted by related topics;
  • ability to use the reasoning (evidences) as opposed to rhetoric (statements);
  • ability to handle data and use analytical material in the description of the problem;
  • ability to competently express different points of view and express your own position.

Persuasive Essay Topics

There are many persuasive essay topics. Here are some topics you may use for your college essay: 

  1. What Is Language?
  2. Voting Rights for African Americans.
  3. Organizational Culture.
  4. Theories of Justice.
  5. Money Can Buy Happiness.
  6. Obesity and Self-Esteem.
  7. Animal Testing.
  8. Important Of Tourism Industry around The World.
  9. American Culture and The Environment.
  10. A Call for Contraception: Wake-Up Call to Our Culture?

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