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Analysis on Poems


At school or university every student is forced to write an analysis on poems. Many of them are puzzled with the task, not knowing what to start with. For this reason it is important to give thorough consideration to analysis on poems and strip away the myth, that only the selected few are able to write it.

Analysis on Poems: Specificity

  • The size of the rhyme. The question you have to answer in this connection: Does the size of the rhyme change? If it does, you should find out is it the author’s idea or a mistake.
  • The lilt. The lilt determines will the poem be read without strain. It is crucial because otherwise the poem becomes an inaccessible terrain for a reader.
  • The language. The analysis on poems should take into account language diversity of the poem. Unique rhyme, epithets, metaphors, hyperbolic comparisons and periphrasis used by the author, should be mentioned in the analysis on poems. Apparently, such rhymes as ’10 dollars – 20 dollars – 30 dollars’ and similar are disadvantageous.
  • The meter. This instruction refers to a blank verse, since it has a regular meter, but no rhyme. You have to analyze if the blank verse has a structure and a pattern (the same number of syllables and beats in each line).

The technical analysis on poems shows if the author was successful in implementation of his idea.

The aesthetic aspect of the analysis on poems:

  • The idea, the plot and the characters. You should answer the following questions to analyze the poem from aesthetic point of view: Is the idea of the poem unusual? Is the plot interesting? Did the author strike life into his characters with the help of words? This part is very subjective, you can write whatever you consider important.
  • The point of view. Do not copy someone’s point of view on the poem you analyze – develop your own. Your analysis on poems is valuable and unique only because of your viewpoint, so write the truth in your analysis on poems.

Writing the analysis on poems present difficulties since poetry has its own specificity compared to prose. With the help of these simple instructions you will write the analysis on poetry with celerity. Start practicing the abovementioned instructions on short poems and after a while you will be able to write analysis on Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’.

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