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Case Study Analysis


Case study is a description and evaluation of company, administrative situation, or court hearing.  Case study papers can be written, in fact, about any situation.  Your task is to tell what has happened and to recommend how to improve a situation.  For example, if you are writing a Nokia case study, you need to gather information on the company, its products, marketing strategy, managerial procedures, etc., to provide a critical evaluation, and come up with a recommendation.

Case Study Analysis: How to Write?

Case study writing is about analysis.  If you are given an actual case study, tutor will provide you with questions to answer and, sometimes, will assign additional readings.  Nevertheless, usually you will be given only a general direction and it is your responsibility to find supporting articles, to research the company, and to develop a recommendation.  While reading a case study, answer the following questions:

  • Who are the case participants?
  • What is the main problem/s?
  • Why this problem is significant for company?
  • Who is the decision maker?
  • Why the problem has appeared?
  • How can this problem be solved?
  • What happens if the problem is not solved?
  • Who is responsible for problem solution?

Case Study Format

Case study you prepare should contain the following information (in the same order):  title page, outline, summary of report (half a page), key problems, analysis of problems, evaluation, alternatives, recommendation, implementation plan, and conclusion.  Opening section should introduce the reader to situation.  Then, you should provide background information on the company (industry, products, competition, etc.).  Third, specify the area of problem and outline the problem peculiarities.  Discuss alternative problem solutions and conclude with the recommendation and implementation plan in your critical essay

While developing a recommendation to problem solution, you need to propose an action which will:  improve profitability, increase sales, improve company image, increase customer satisfaction, contribute to corporate mission, reduce risks, retain flexibility, increase employees??™ motivation, minimize costs, etc.  Thus, your aim is to come up with the solution which will minimize the problems and lead to specific improvements.

Custom Assistance offers personalized assistance with case study analysis in any field of research.  Our writers have access to numerous online libraries and databases, they can conduct a research on any topic and develop a well-planned report.  You, as our customer, can communicate directly with the writer, ask for order progress, and request unlimited number of revisions.  We are never late with delivery and guarantee high quality of case study analysis paper.  If you are not satisfied with the final term paper, we will work on your assignment until it meets all of your requirements. 

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